Tag Archives: brand film

Apple Brand Film

Group 3A Brand Film

The Apple brand is one that drives not just technology, but creativity and our group was looking to reflect that back in our film. Given that our film is essentially an advertisement for Apple products, we wanted to ensure we weren’t being one-dimensional in our story telling, much like Apple doesn’t view their products as one-dimensional. It wasn’t just enough to show the products but use them to create a story. Our goal was to think outside the box with our film because Apple has long been at the forefront of thinking outside the box. It was also important to find creativity when we had to film in the middle of a lockdown with our group in multiple countries.

One of the many taglines Apple has had since its inception is “think different” and that was something we kept coming back to throughout the entire process. Though we know Apple technology doesn’t support time travel, it does support creativity through its various devices; they can help provide the spark you’re looking for. For us, it was the music app that created this flash of inspiration allowing our heroine the ability to time travel and tell that story. We also wanted to encompass some of Apple’s values as a brand – one being “We are creative. We set the pace” and another being “We want everyone to enjoy the adventure we are on together.” There was the adventure in making the film, but also the adventure of the film, both of which were a joy to see out. Apple is the brand of choice for millions and it’s because they have created this world that opens up all these new possibilities. Another tagline of theirs is “imagination is a gift” and from the beginning our film has been a work of creativity and imagination inspired by our everyday.